5 Steps To Keep Your Yard Pest-Free
This summer, don’t get driven back by mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests. Take control of your yard with these suggestions from Scott’s Lawn Care. Find out more about pest control and our other services on our website scottslawncare.net.
Your yard is a space for you and your family to enjoy the weather, entertain friends, or just to relax. While you do have to share this space with animals, you shouldn’t have to wage constant war on mosquitos, wasps, and ticks. Keep the good insects that help your yard bloom, while making sure pests stay away. Scott’s Lawn Care looks at 5 things you can do in order to keep your yard pest-free this summer.
What Attracts Pests?
Even if you are the most vigilant yard-owner, there is a chance that pests will find their way to your lawn. But there are certain things that make your yard more likely to be a target for pests. Standing water, house lights, different varieties of plants, pet droppings, and old yard refuses are just a few things that can attract pests. During the warm months of Spring and Summer, pests are especially active, and property owners should be especially vigilant. So how can you avoid them?
- Avoid standing water. Minnesota may be the Land of 10,000 Lakes, which makes for thousands of opportunities for mosquitoes to breed. To make sure one of them doesn’t become your backyard, prioritize proper drainage for your yard to prevent standing water on your turf. Make sure any landscaping that features pools or birdbaths has a device to keep water moving so that mosquitoes can’t make their home there.
- Pick up your yard. While mulching your lawn can provide benefits, having excess organic refuse on your lawn causes rot, and can attract pests. For pest control, make sure that you are picking up downed branches, large areas of lawn clippings, and removing dead stumps. This will help protect your yard from pests and other lawn diseases.
- Mow your lawn. This may seem obvious, but it’s important. Keeping your grass tended and short can help prevent your pets and family from unwanted visitors, like ants and ticks. Both of these pests like long grass, and keeping your grass short will prevent ticks from spreading disease.
- Turn your mulch. Mulch can help your landscaping stay weed-free, but letting organic material start to rot in your yard can attract fire ants and other pests. Make sure you rake and rotate your mulch so as to prevent rot, and to defend against pests.
- Don’t store wood or debris against your house. Wood piles are fantastic for when the weather turns cold, and nobody wants to walk any longer than they have to in the cold weather. But, rats and other insects can make their homes in the logs if they are on the ground. Don’t let these pests have easy access to your home and yard, stack the logs off the ground and away from your home.
Scott’s Lawn Care Can Keep Your Lawn Pest-Free
Staying on top of lawn maintenance takes time and patience. With busy lives, often people don’t have time to properly dedicate to their lawn. Even if you do, why spend the time when you could trust the landscape and lawn maintenance experts at Scott’s Lawn Care to give you professional pest control and property maintenance? From weekly lawn maintenance to season-starting and ending lawn pick-ups, Scott’s team of trained professionals can keep your yard pest-free and look incredible this season. Find out more about how we can help on our website: scottslawncare.net.