What Seeding Option Is Best For Your Lawn?

When deciding what seeding method to use on your lawn, the options, and the language, can be overwhelming. Hydroseeding, overseeding and aeration, and slice seeding are the main contenders, with other less-known methods contending on the side. How do you know what is right for your lawn? Scott’s Lawn Care takes a look at each method and the pros and cons of that seeding technique. Read more about each below, and which one we think works best in our Minnesota environment.

Slice Seeding

As the name implies, slice seeding involved a machine that takes blades to put shallow furrows in your lawn before spreading the seed. The goal of slice seeding is to open up pathways to the dirt so the seeds have the best chance of contact and growth. This method is effective, but can also be destructive. Healthy lawns can respond poorly to large areas of slicing, and on compacted soil sometimes the seed doesn’t penetrate as deep as planned. For non-compacted areas of soil that are sparsely populated with grass, this could be a viable option. For healthy lawns, though, pursuing other methods will produce better results.


Hydroseeding involves mixing the grass seed in a water and fertilizer mix and spraying that mixture over your lawn. The idea is that the seeds, nourished by the fertilizer, will be absorbed into the turf with the water and nutrients and begin to grow. This method is effective on sparsely populated areas, much like slice seeding. Additionally, Hydroseeding is an excellent way to cover areas with steep hills where other machines would have trouble operating. But, where this method struggles is on established lawns or compacted lawns. Applying more seed to an established area of grass that is looking brown will not be as effective, and compacted soil will not allow the seeds to enter an ideal growing position as well.

Aeration And Overseeding

Aeration and overseeding is the process of taking “plugs” of soil out to create holes that allow the soil to decompress, fixing compressed lawns, before spreading seeds over the top of the aerated lawn. The seeds then have the room to reach dirt, and the lawn relaxes giving them a better environment to grow. While some people see the discarded “plugs” as unsightly or bad for turf, they actually break down and assist turf health. This is why, according to Scott’s Lawn Care, aerating your lawn and overseeding is the best option for your lawn this season.

Scott’s Lawn Care Can Help You Seed This Season

At Scott’s Lawn Care, we don’t just maintain your yard, we maximize it. Our trained lawn care professionals are trained by the University of Minnesota and have certifications from the state in order to give you the best service possible. Don’t just maintain this season, contact the professionals at Scott’s Lawn Care to grow your lawn to its full potential. Schedule a meeting and see what else we can do for you on our website: scottslawncare.net.

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