A Scott's Lawn Care Professional snowblowing a driveway during a blizzard

Snow Removal Tips For Winter

As the days get shorter and the temperature begins to drop, the work of clearing driveways and walkways is on everyone’s mind. While the snow can be beautiful, everyone knows that shoveling and spending time out in the cold can be stressful and requires a significant time commitment. The professionals at Scott’s Lawn Care have provided some tips for clearing your property of snow, and how they can save you time and headaches this season.

A man is snowblowing his driveway

Invest In The Right Tools

Knowing your driveway and the tools that you have at your disposal can help you save time this winter. If you are someone who has a property that is small enough to clear with a shovel, or even if you are simply using the shovel for a sidewalk, making sure your shovel is ready for winter is critical. Checking for any cracks if that shovel is plastic, and checking the edge if it’s metal can save a lot of work down the road.

Investing in a snowblower can help save time for larger properties, or for anyone tired of using shovels. Knowing if your property needs a single or two-stage snowblower, as well as what level of features to equip it with, can make clearing your property easier this winter.

Another less popular option is utilizing your leaf blower to help clear your property. While this usually works best when the snow is lighter, it can be a quicker option than snowblowing or shoveling.

a shovel stuck in snow

Clear Snow Early And Often

While it may be tempting when a big snowfall comes through to just let it sit until all of the snow has fallen, it can actually cause problems down the line. Compacted snow can quickly turn to hard, slippery ice. This compacted snow/ice combination is difficult to remove, and dangerous. It’s a good idea to remove snow before it can get compacted, even if this means clearing your property more than once. This is especially true if cars will be driving over the fresh snow, or people will be walking over it.

macro shot of snow melting salt

Ice Happens, Be Ready

While you can help prevent slippery and dangerous areas on your property, the reality of winter is that they will appear. Make sure that you have a plan to remove hazardous ice for the safety of you and your family, as well as any visitors you may have. Investing in an ice-chipper to manually remove large areas of ice, or making sure that ice melter is stocked in your garage can help combat those dangerous areas. It is also a good idea to keep kitty litter or sand on-hand to give traction to vehicles or walkers on icy areas that already exist before you remove them.

scraping snow and ice buildup off a car windshield

Prepare Your Car For Snow

One of the worst parts about snowfall is removing the snow from your car if it’s stored outside. Investing in a cloth or tarp that drapes over the windshield for easy snow removal can save grief. Whatever the situation, making sure your vision isn’t impaired while driving is critical. Warming up your car before venturing out can also help keep your car clear and your vision unobstructed on snowy days.

A fleet of Scott's Lawn Care vehicles preparing for snow removal

Skip The Strife, Work With The Pros

At Scott’s Lawn Care, we have decades of experience clearing property in heavy Minnesota snowfalls. We know the best ways to keep driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and much more clear of snow and ice, and safe for company or customers. We have the equipment and the knowledge to provide a prompt and professional snow removal service. To see more about how Scott’s Lawn Care can help your home or business this winter, visit our website https://scottslawncare.net/.

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