Watering And Drainage For Your Property
Watering is an important factor in keeping your lawn looking lush and healthy this summer. Keeping a well-watered lawn requires knowledge of your turf and your environment. Keeping a lawn too wet can cause rot while keeping it too dry will kill off large areas and create brown spots. Scott’s Lawn Care looks at the proper way to water your lawn, and how to control drainage in your lawn so that you don’t get dry spots or standing water that ruin your lawn.
The Importance Of Watering Your Lawn
How can you tell if your lawn needs water, or when it’s had enough? As far as when it needs water, if you see discoloration or your grass losing some of its green sheen, the lawn is letting you know it needs water. It is recommended for most types of grass that the top 6-8 inches of soil be soaked. For average lawns, this takes 1-1.5” of water, either from a sprinkler source or natural rainwater. You can set up your sprinkler system based on its flow rate to deliver the right amount of water, or if you are using a hose set up you can keep containers out to see when the level of water has been achieved.
Engineering Your Lawn To Drain
If your yard has a low point where water collects, it’s important to make sure that standing water is draining to appropriate areas. Not only can standing water harm your turf by causing rot, but mosquitoes and fungal diseases breed in standing water, which can negatively affect how you experience your lawn. There are a few drainage solutions to look into to help your lawn drain better this season. French drains involve burning a plastic tube where water is collecting, and letting water seep through holes in the top, where it is then carried to a different location appropriate for drainage.
Dry wells are slightly more involved, but help so that your soil isn’t supersaturated by rainwater. This solution may require building permits, as it can affect groundwater levels. Finally, rain gardens are landscaping solutions that look fantastic and can absorb a large amount of rainwater so that you won’t have standing water in your yard. Another issue to check is your downspouts off the roof. These eject a large amount of rainwater, and if they are damaged or not pointing the right way, it can cause standing water in your yard.
Work With Professional Technicians At Scott’s Lawn Care
Scott’s Lawn Care has been helping lawns across the Western Twin Cities look greener for decades. We have dedicated staff that is trained to be professional landscapers, technicians, and problem solvers. Let us help you design, implement, and maintain a watering and drainage system that keeps your lawn looking its best this summer. Find out more about how we can help on our website: scottslawncare.net.