Your Lawn Deserves It!

Scott’s Lawn Care keeps lawns in the Twin Cities looking sharp.

Top-Tier Tree Trimming Services

Everyone wants the best yard on the block. That lawn that is the darling of the Parade of Homes. The yard that finds its way onto the cover of Better Homes & Gardens. Mowing isn’t enough to reach your goals. From the grass to the flowerbed to your trees, everything must be perfect. That’s why you need the best tree trimming service near you on your side. 

We are proud to help homeowners across the Twin Cities have the yard they have always dreamed of. Not only do we handle all of the mowing and landscaping, but we take steps the others won’t to make sure your yard is picture perfect. Not only will tree trimming ensure that your tree line looks immaculate, but will also help promote the health of your trees. If any fungus or diseases have developed, trimming will remove them so they cannot spread throughout the tree.

By trimming your trees on a regular 1-4 year schedule, we have the ability to monitor your tree’s overall health and offer suggestions should we notice drainage issues and the like. The trees in your yard will hold the memories you make with your family, so why not do everything you can to ensure they are around for as long as they can be?

Rely on the best tree trimming services near you and give us a call!

Full Service Lawn Care Professionals

Learn more about our Maintenance Services including mowing, string trimming and more!

Learn more about our Fertilization Services including fertilization, weed control and more!

When we call ourselves full service, we mean it. Check out everything we can offer your lawn.

Schedule a Consultation!

Reach out today so we can get to know your lawn!

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